Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 1: I'm Back

I don’t know where to start.  There are so many things I could write about, there’s just so much to say. 

The Project

            One Dress One Month has officially restarted as of yesterday.  This time, I have a few more people participating.  Unfortunately, the group is not as big as originally thought.  However, that is entirely my fault.  A couple of months ago, when I started planning this month, there were TONS of people interested in participating in the project.  But I, in my infinite selfishness, didn’t keep people informed and accountable.  So while I feel simply AWFUL that there aren’t more people involved, I have only myself to blame.

            Good news, I look fantastic in my new dress, and the girls I’m participating with look marvelous as well.  Not only that, but this group is well on its way to becoming an official student organization.  Once we’re an organization, we can really urge people to get involved, and in turn, shed light on human slavery.

            There have been huge changes in my life since participating in ODOM in the fall.  I now have a good idea of what God has in store for me.  I know that He has given me a heart for the issue of human slavery for a reason, and I know that I’m in a good position to advocate for change. 

            So many opportunities have popped up in the last few months, it’s a HUGE indicator that this is the type of stuff I’m supposed to be doing with the rest of my life.  I’m just trusting that God will show me what He wants and that I won’t be fumbling around making a fool of myself (like I normally do). 
            There has been a great deal of media coverage about this project and the word is really getting out.  There are wonderful women participating alongside me who truly have a passion for speaking out against the injustices in this world. 
            To see this level of change, just 6 months after the original project, is phenomenal.  I’m shocked, and nervous, but SO excited to see what happens next.

The Issue
Shockingly enough, slavery hasn’t ended since the last time that I wore a dress for a month (*sarcasm hand*).  In fact, slavery is as big as it’s ever been. 

Did you know that as a resident of Ohio you will probably see between 12 and 20 victims of slavery every year?  That means that at least one person is spotted every month, and then ignored. 

            I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel rather terrible.  How is it that I, who care so much about seeing an end to the enslavement of others, can’t recognize a victim when I see one?

Proverbs 31: 8
            Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.
            As a Christian, I find that this verse carries a great deal of meaning.  Christians are called to action.  We are not to be passive.  Instead, we are meant to defend the rights of the poor and the needy (Proverbs 31: 9). 

            I just hope that God reminds me of this in the coming month.  Because if how I feel right now is any indication of how I’m going to feel later, this project isn’t going to go great.  I’m disappointed that there aren’t more people doing this with me, and I’m afraid that the few of us participating will go unnoticed.

            I am not in the mood to talk to people about the issue, nor am I particularly excited about wearing this dress every day.  But unlike a lot of people, I KNOW that I can trust in God, that I have hope.  God will turn this project into something that even my crazy imagination couldn’t cook up.


My dress… forgive the gross-ness of this picture... it was late.
 That's the only excuse I have.

The ladies in our dresses 
(From left to right: Margo, Carrie, Kira, Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarah, Me, Sarah)